
This is a website created and maintained by one person that has a love of knowledge, and a love of seeking further knowledge and understanding of the universe.  I’ve enjoyed writing for many years and back in 2009 I started this website but most of my output was discursive (and oft times contentious!); however, I far prefer creative writing and imaging alternative realities. Most of my work is likely to be speculative fiction, particularly science fiction or fantasy.

Despite being a astrophysics grad I actually find I enjoy doing maths more but reading about physics, worse still is that I prefer abstract (“pure”) mathematics over applied maths. The logical nature of structures and patterns is more satisfying that digging into messy data. That said, the latter is real life while the former is almost purely idealistic structures.

Music: Taste is varied across many genres but then focused within the genres; my time is limited and my desire to explore every new band is low.  I tend to only take recommendations only sources  (people) I know have similar tastes. Likes: Classical, metal, rock, electronic.

Fiction: Mostly Science Fiction and Fantasy. I’m fairly typical in that regard, I “only” like books with swords or laser guns. Pure escapism? Sure, but it is far more fascinating than real life. I find that thinking about the unlikely or impossible stirs my mind and leads me to ask “What if?”, “How could that problem be fixed?”, “Will it always be like that?”. Which I think goes very naturally with studying physics.

Non-Fiction: Most of what I read is related to what I posted about here, mainly maths, physics, economics, computing. Sometimes the two cross over and we get computational cosmology or cryptography.


Web presence:

Amazon Profile with book reviews (circa 50% fiction books)

Twitter profile

G+ Profile

4 thoughts on “About

  1. Interesting to see a physics grad. I’m working on a story involving parallel universes. Are you a B. Sc. in physics or M. Sc.? Thanks. Do you do physics consultation, and do you have an in-depth understanding of quantum physics?

    Also, do you do book reviews? I’m trying to think of stories I have involving light sabres or sword-fighting, but I do have young wizards in the contemporary world in my stories of fantasy and their magic is unlimited. Does that interest you?

    1. Hey! Sorry about the slowness of approving your comment, life and spam got in the way. 😉

      Actually I did an MPhys then a PhD. I *could* do physics consultation, and I have a fairly in-depth understanding of quantum physics as it featured in my PhD but it isn’t the easiest subject to wrap one’s head around. I’d try to answer questions as best I could but where I have doubts I would at least try to point you in the right direction. Really depends on the nature of the question.

      I have done book reviews but so far those have been from major publishing houses. For example I post my reviews to Amazon: https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/pdp/profile/A2OF2RS9NKC5IW?ie=UTF8&ref_=ya_your_profile Feel free to take a look.

      The book could be interesting for sure, it sounds like the sort of thing I might enjoy. Couldn’t promise to read and review it anytime soon due to the usual constraints of life. By all means I enjoy correspondence with other writers and am keen to chat about physics too.

  2. Thanks! I already found someone to do physics consultation, for my new upcoming book, so no problem!

    Well, rather than me sending you a pitch, you could look up my books on http://www.scottspotson.com or on Amazon.com using the search term “Scott Spotson” and take a look. If I don’t hear from you, I’ll assume that you still focus on the major publishing houses! Anytime you want to email me use [email protected]. And hey, when I finish that science fiction book, which will have a lot of quantum physics, I could send it to you as an advance reading copy, for your comments. But that won’t be for a few months. Nice meeting you! (By the way, you need to contact me directly when you leave a reply here… and thank you for doing this last time… I don’t see your website on a daily basis.)

    1. Sounds like a plan! I am considering doing reviews for Indie authors, definitely something on my list… but I have to admit that it isn’t at the top of the list. Good luck with writing, let me know how it goes.

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