Tag Archives: convexity


This piece was my unfinished attempt at NaNoWrimo 2013. Unfortunately writing often takes a back seat to life so stories are never finished in accordance to the original plan. The excerpt below is not the full story but a taster. The full story (it’s a short story!) has not been finished yet, but when it is finished I’ll place it here.

This story follows a gambler’s chain of thoughts through a game which will sound like a mix of chess and poker. There is some inspiration drawn from Iain Banks, which is despite my criticism of his works. There is some overlap in what he has written and what I link to think about. My complaint of his work would be the execution rather than a complaint of his underlying ideas.

For those that have read my collection of sci-fi short stories may also be pleased to know that this one is set in the same Universe. :-)

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Convexity, copyright, and digital media

Convexity can be seen as explosive success that grows exponentially, rather than linearly. This  is why a popstar’s new album will sell far more albums than a different artist or less fame but arguably greater talent. Success, in terms of the number of sales, or number of fans, is not a consequence of great talent but popularity. The bad news is that popularity can often be attributed to randomness; the exact causes for why one brand, or design, is far preferred over another is not precisely known. There is also a great tendency for humans to stick with known or “trusted” brands, which explains why certain brands can continue to grow even with bad products. The good news is that the rise of the internet and digital media is now far easier for anyone to promote themselves.

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